

Cycle of education: 2019/2020

Course outcomes


Speciality: Product design and engineering of pro-ecological processes

SymbolContentsReference to the PRK learning outcomes
K_W01Has knowledge of mathematics that allows the use of mathematical methods to describe chemical and physical processes and phenomenaP6S_WG
K_W02Has knowledge of physics that allows understanding of physical phenomena in nature and technologyP6S_WG
K_W03Has knowledge necessary to understand the physical and chemical bases of elementary operations and processes in chemical engineeringP6S_WG
K_W04Has knowledge of machine science and chemical apparatus that enables understanding and designing operations and processes of chemical engineeringP6S_WG
K_W05Has knowledge of the basics of balancing and transport of momentum, heat and mass, required to understand, supervise and design unit operations in chemical engineeringP6S_WG
K_W06Has knowledge of general, inorganic, analytical, organic and physical chemistry and thermodynamics useful for describing chemical transformationsP6S_WG
K_W07Has a general orientation in current directions of development in the fields of chemical engineering, as well as chemistry, chemical technology and chemical industryP6S_WG
K_W08Has elementary knowledge in the field of engineering disciplines related to chemical and process engineering P6S_WG
K_W09Has basic knowledge in the field of metrology as well as of control and measurement equipmentP6S_WG
K_W10Has elementary knowledge necessary to understand social, economic, legal and other non-technical aspects of engineering activitiesP6S_WK
K_W11Has basic knowledge of management, including quality management and running a businessP6S_WK
K_W12Has basic knowledge in the field of intellectual property protection, industrial property protection as well as in copyright and patent lawP6S_WK
K_U01Is able to acquire information from literature, databases and other sources, also in a foreign language, draw appropriate conclusions and formulate own opinionsP6S_UW
K_U02Is able to use computer programs supporting the implementation of tasks typical for chemical and process engineeringP6S_UW
K_U03Is able to plan and conduct experimental research and analysis, as well as computer simulations using the appropriate tools and techniques and interpret the collected resultsP6S_UW
K_U04Is able to design basic apparatus used in the chemical and related industriesP6S_UW
K_U05Is able to design and model the course of basic processes and unit operations used in the chemical and related industriesP6S_UW
K_U06Is able to solve practical tasks in the field of chemical engineering based on engineering standards, as well as using experience gained in the chemical and related industriesP6S_UW
K_U07Is able to read and prepare technical documentation in accordance with the principles of engineering graphicsP6S_UW
K_U08Understands and can explain the physical and chemical bases of phenomena occurring during unit processes and operationsP6S_UW
K_U09Is able to analyze the suitability of existing technical solutions and the way they work for the needs of specific industrial processes and operationsP6S_UW
K_U10Is able to select raw materials and appropriate technologies and evaluate the possibility of waste management in the technological processes of the chemical and related industriesP6S_UW
K_U11Is able to design processing operations of polymer materials on an industrial scale in accordance with technological principlesP6S_UW
K_U12Is able to assess the risks associated with the use of chemical products and processes. Is aware and able to perceive non-technical aspects, including ethical and ecological aspects of engineering activitiesP6S_UW
K_U13Is able to make a preliminary economic analysis of enterprises in the field of chemical and process engineeringP6S_UW
K_U14Is able to communicate using different techniques in professional environments and in other environments, also in a foreign languageP6S_UK
K_U15Is prepared to work in an industrial environment and knows the safety rules associated with this workP6S_UK
K_U16Knows a foreign language at B2 CEFR level and is able to use a specialist language in the field of chemical and process engineeringP6S_UK
K_U17Is able to present the results of own research and literature studies in the form of a self-made presentationP6S_UK
K_U18Is able to plan and organize his own work and work in a team that accomplishes a common taskP6S_UO
K_U19Is aware of the responsibility for his own work and is able to comply with the rules of working in a teamP6S_UO
K_U20Has the ability to self-education, raise professional competences and supplement his knowledge throughout his professional lifeP6S_UU
K_K01Is able to critically assess the state of own knowledge and is ready to consult experts in the face of difficulties in solving problems independentlyP6S_KK
K_K02Is aware of and understands the role of a chemical engineer in modern societyP6S_KO
K_K03Is able to provide information about the achievements of chemical and process engineering as well as about various aspects of the engineering profession in a commonly understood wayP6S_KO
K_K04Understands the need to act in an entrepreneurial way P6S_KO
K_K05Is able to responsibly fulfill professional roles by following the rules of professional ethics and caring about the profession and its traditionsP6S_KR