Item card

Proteomics and protein engineering

Some basic information about the module

Cycle of education: 2022/2023

The name of the faculty organization unit: The faculty Chemistry

The name of the field of study: Biotechnology

The area of study: technical sciences

The profile of studing:

The level of study: first degree study

Type of study: full time

discipline specialities : Applied biochemistry, Purification and analysis of biotechnological products

The degree after graduating from university: Bachelor of Science (BSc)

The name of the module department : Department of Biochemistry and Bioinformatics

The code of the module: 241

The module status: mandatory for the speciality Purification and analysis of biotechnological products

The position in the studies teaching programme: sem: 7 / W30 L15 / 4 ECTS / Z

The language of the lecture: Polish

The name of the coordinator: Andrzej Łyskowski, PhD, Eng.

The aim of studying and bibliography

The main aim of study: Understanding of the basics of proteomics and protein engineering used in modern biotechnology

The general information about the module: The module is introduced in the 7th semester of the first degree/ undergraduate course as a mandatory module for the purification and biotechnological products analysis specialty. It is accomplished with 30 hours of lecture and 15 hours of laboratory work. It ends ends with an examination-based assessment.

Bibliography required to complete the module
Bibliography used during lectures
1 Agnieszka Kraj, Anna Drabik, Jerzy Silberring Proteomika i metabolomika WUW. 2010
2 Stanisław Ledakiewicz Inżynieria biochemiczna Wydawnictwo WNT. 2011,
3 Jin Xiong Podstawy bioinformatyki Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego . 2009
4 P.C. Turner et al. Krótkie wykłady: Biologia molekularna Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. 2001
5 B.D. Hames et al. Krótkie wykłady: Biochemia Wydawnictwo naukowe PWN. 2002
6 Sawn Doonan Białka i peptydy Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. 2008
7 Mariusz Jaskólski Krystalografia dla biologów Wydawnictwo naukowe UAM. 2010
Bibliography used during classes/laboratories/others
1 Jak dla wykładów .
Bibliography to self-study
1 Jak dla wykładów .

Basic requirements in category knowledge/skills/social competences

Formal requirements: Positively finished courses: biochemistry and molecular biology

Basic requirements in category knowledge: Basic knowledge of biochemistry, genetic engineering and molecular biology as well as (bio)informatics

Basic requirements in category skills: Self-education skills, computer skills

Basic requirements in category social competences: Ability to work both alone and in a group

Module outcomes

MEK The student who completed the module Types of classes / teaching methods leading to achieving a given outcome of teaching Methods of verifying every mentioned outcome of teaching Relationships with KEK Relationships with PRK
01 Understands the goal of the protein engineering as well as the tools necessary for its achievement lecture written test K_W05+++
02 Knows and understands bioinformatic tools for protein characterisation and its recombinant derivatives lecture written test K_W14+++
03 Knows and understands molecular techniques necessary for recombinant protein production lecture written test K_W10+++
04 Knows and understands isolation, purification and characterisation techniques of recombinant proteins lecture written test K_U09++
05 Understands the importance of the engineering activities and its influence on the natural environment as well as the responsibilities connected with the decisions made during the process lecture written test K_K02+++
06 Usage of in-silico methods in protein engineering: -analysis of DNA and protein sequences, -proteomic analysis, -structural analysis. laboratory teacher supervision, written report K_W14+++

Attention: Depending on the epidemic situation, verification of the achieved learning outcomes specified in the study program, in particular credits and examinations at the end of specific classes, can be implemented remotely (real-time meetings).

The syllabus of the module

Sem. TK The content realized in MEK
7 TK01 Goal and importance of protein engineering W01-03 MEK01
7 TK02 Bioinformatic methods in analysis and characterisation of proteins and its recombinant derivatives W04-09 MEK02 MEK06
7 TK03 Selected aspects of biophysical and biochemical protein characterisation (i) in-silico (ii) by experimental methods W10-18 MEK03 MEK04
7 TK04 Design and production of recombinant proteins W19-24 MEK02 MEK04 MEK05 MEK06
7 TK05 Selected aspects of natural and non-natural protein modifications and their importance W25-30 MEK03 MEK04

The student's effort

The type of classes The work before classes The participation in classes The work after classes
Lecture (sem. 7) contact hours: 30.00 hours/sem.
complementing/reading through notes: 15.00 hours/sem.
Studying the recommended bibliography: 15.00 hours/sem.
Laboratory (sem. 7) The preparation for a Laboratory: 3.00 hours/sem.
The preparation for a test: 5.00 hours/sem.
contact hours: 15.00 hours/sem.
Finishing/Making the report: 5.00 hours/sem.
Advice (sem. 7)
Credit (sem. 7) The preparation for a Credit: 15.00 hours/sem.
The written credit: 2.00 hours/sem.

The way of giving the component module grades and the final grade

The type of classes The way of giving the final grade
Lecture The note is proportional to the number of points earned during exam and follows criteria of the 'Wydziałowa Księga Jakości Kształcenia'. The positive note is achived only when 50% primary points is collected.
Laboratory Pass note is granted to the students who participated in all laboratory exercises and presented written report based on performed exercises.
The final grade The final note is an avarage of all notes collected from the modules: K=a*wA+c*wC+l*wL (a-lecture coeff., c-tutorial coeff., l-laboratory coeff., w=1,0, w=0,9, w=0,8 receptively for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd attempt). The note is calculated only if all components have been passed. Values of coefficiants are presented to the students during the initial teaching session.

Sample problems

Required during the exam/when receiving the credit

Realized during classes/laboratories/projects


Can a student use any teaching aids during the exam/when receiving the credit : no

The contents of the module are associated with the research profile: yes

1 M. Dżugan; A. Łyskowski; M. Miłek Assessing the Antimicrobial Properties of Honey Protein Components through In Silico Comparative Peptide Composition and Distribution Analysis 2023
2 V. Csitkovits; K. Gruber; C. Kratky; B. Kräutler; A. Łyskowski Structure-Based Demystification of Radical Catalysis by a Coenzyme B12 dependent Enzyme – Crystallographic Study of Glutamate Mutase with Cofactor Homologues 2022
3 K. Chen; Ł. Jaremko; M. Jaremko; A. Łyskowski Genetic and Molecular Factors Determining Grain Weight in Rice 2021
4 D. Antos; M. Kołodziej; A. Łyskowski; W. Piątkowski; I. Poplewska; P. Szałański Determination of protein crystallization kinetics by a through-flow small-angle X-ray scattering method 2019