Item card

Discrete Mathematics

Some basic information about the module

Cycle of education: 2019/2020

The name of the faculty organization unit: The faculty Mathematics and Applied Physics

The name of the field of study: Mathematics

The area of study: sciences

The profile of studing:

The level of study: first degree study

Type of study: full time

discipline specialities : Applications of Mathematics in Economics

The degree after graduating from university: bachelor's degree

The name of the module department : Departament of Discrete Mathematics

The code of the module: 1060

The module status: mandatory for teaching programme Applications of Mathematics in Economics

The position in the studies teaching programme: sem: 2 / W30 C15 / 3 ECTS / Z

The language of the lecture: Polish

The name of the coordinator: Paweł Bednarz, PhD

office hours of the coordinator: L-27.11: Wtorek, 10:30 - 12:00; Środa, 12:15 - 13:45

The aim of studying and bibliography

The main aim of study: The aim of the course is to introduce students with the basic methods of discrete mathematics.

The general information about the module: The module contains methods of solving recurrence equations and basic concepts and algorithms of graph theory.

Bibliography required to complete the module
Bibliography used during lectures
1 A. Włoch, I. Włoch Matematyka dyskretna Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, Rzeszów . 2004
2 K. Ross, Ch. Wright Matematyka dyskretna PWN Warszawa. 1996
Bibliography used during classes/laboratories/others
1 R. J. Wilson Wprowadzenie do teorii grafów PWN Warszawa. 2000
Bibliography to self-study
1 R. Diestel Graph Theory Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, New York. 2005

Basic requirements in category knowledge/skills/social competences

Formal requirements: The student satisfies the formal requirements set out in the study regulations

Basic requirements in category knowledge: Mastering the basics of calculus and calculus matrix.

Basic requirements in category skills: Ability to use the basic mathematical apparatus of mathematical analysis and algebra.

Basic requirements in category social competences: A student can work in group.

Module outcomes

MEK The student who completed the module Types of classes / teaching methods leading to achieving a given outcome of teaching Methods of verifying every mentioned outcome of teaching Relationships with KEK Relationships with PRK
01 Student knows basic combinatorial objects, their number and generating methods. lecture, classes test K_W06+
02 Student knows the basic concepts, theorems and algorithms of the graph theory. lecture, classes test K_W04+++
03 Student can consider combinatorial objects in three aspects: the existence, number and systematic generating. classes test K_W01+
04 Student can build a model of the problem and solve it. classes test K_W02+

Attention: Depending on the epidemic situation, verification of the achieved learning outcomes specified in the study program, in particular credits and examinations at the end of specific classes, can be implemented remotely (real-time meetings).

The syllabus of the module

Sem. TK The content realized in MEK
2 TK01 Mathematical induction. Recursive equations. W01, C01 MEK03 MEK04
2 TK02 Combinatorial objects, the representation of combinatorial objects, the generation of combinatorial objects and counting. W02, W03, C02 MEK01 MEK03 MEK04
2 TK03 Generating functions. W04, C02 MEK04
2 TK04 The concept graph, geometric interpretation. Graph types, power and complement graph, weighted graphs, products of two graphs. Isomorphism of graphs. The matrix representation of the graph: adjacency matrix, incidence matrix. W05, W06, C03 MEK01 MEK03 MEK04
2 TK05 Paths and cycles in graphs. W07, W08, C04 MEK02 MEK03 MEK04
2 TK06 Trees. Definitions and basic properties. Binary Tree. Tree encoding method, Cayley theorem. W09, C04 MEK01 MEK02 MEK03 MEK04
2 TK07 Spanning tree, the methods of determining the minimum spanning tree. W10, C05 MEK01 MEK02 MEK03 MEK04
2 TK08 Topological graph theory. Planar graphs. Graphs on surfaces. W11, C05 MEK02 MEK04
2 TK09 Independence. Independent sets. Matchings. W12, W13, C06 MEK01 MEK02 MEK03 MEK04
2 TK10 Coloring of graphs. Vertex coloring. Edge coloring. W14, W15, C07 MEK01 MEK02 MEK03 MEK04
2 TK11 Test C08 MEK01 MEK02 MEK03 MEK04

The student's effort

The type of classes The work before classes The participation in classes The work after classes
Lecture (sem. 2) contact hours: 30.00 hours/sem.
Class (sem. 2) The preparation for a Class: 10.00 hours/sem.
The preparation for a test: 5.00 hours/sem.
contact hours: 15.00 hours/sem.
Finishing/Studying tasks: 15.00 hours/sem.
Advice (sem. 2)
Credit (sem. 2) The written credit: 2.00 hours/sem.

The way of giving the component module grades and the final grade

The type of classes The way of giving the final grade
Lecture A credit for the lecture is based on attendance at the lectures.
Class Student has to get at least 50% points on the test during classes.
The final grade The final grade is the grade of classes.

Sample problems

Required during the exam/when receiving the credit

Realized during classes/laboratories/projects


Can a student use any teaching aids during the exam/when receiving the credit : no

The contents of the module are associated with the research profile: yes

1 P. Bednarz; M. Pirga On Proper 2-Dominating Sets in Graphs 2024
2 P. Bednarz Relations between the existence of a (2 − d)-kernel and parameters γ2(G), α(G) 2022
3 P. Bednarz On (2-d)-Kernels in the Tensor Product of Graphs 2021
4 P. Bednarz; A. Michalski On Independent Secondary Dominating Sets in Generalized Graph Products 2021
5 P. Bednarz; N. Paja On (2-d)-Kernels in Two Generalizations of the Petersen Graph 2021