The main aim of study:
Goal of the education is to tranfer the knowledge to students on processes of heat exchange in typical heat exchangers used in industry
The general information about the module:
The course includes lecture on the concept, mathematical modelling, designing heat exchangers - 15h, design - 30h, as well as laboratory 15h.
1 | T. Hobler | Ruch ciepła i wymienniki | WNT W-wa . | 1976 |
2 | A.Skoczylas | Przenoszenie ciepła | Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej . | 1999 |
3 | R. Koch, A. Kozioł | Dyfuzyjno – cieplny rozdział substancji | WNT W-wa. | 1994 |
1 | R. Zarzycki i inni | Zadania rachunkowe z inżynierii chemicznej | PWN W-wa . | 1980 |
2 | Z. Kawala i inni | Zbiór zadań z podstawowych procesów inżynierii chemicznej | Skrypty Politechniki Wrocławskiej. | 1980 |
3 | K.F. Pawłow, i inni | Przykłady i zadania z zakresu aparatury i inżynierii chemicznej | WNT W-wa . | 1971 |
4 | T. Kudra i inni | Zbiór zadań z podstaw teoretycznych inżynierii chemicznej i procesowej | WNT W-wa. | 1985 |
5 | Bandrowski i inn | Materiały pomocnicze do ćwiczeń i projektów z inżynierii chemicznej | Skrypt Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice. | 1993 |
Formal requirements:
registration for 2 semester
Basic requirements in category knowledge:
Basic knowledge in the scope of heat transfer
Basic requirements in category skills:
student is able to formulate and solve heat balance equations
Basic requirements in category social competences:
student is able to work in a team
MEK | The student who completed the module | Types of classes / teaching methods leading to achieving a given outcome of teaching | Methods of verifying every mentioned outcome of teaching | Relationships with KEK | Relationships with PRK |
MEK01 | Student obtains knowledge in the scope of heat transfer in heat exchangers in batch and continuous systems, in evaporators. He obtains knowledge in the scope of processes of simultaneous heat and mass exchange. | lecture | tests | ||
MEK02 | Student obtains knowledge in the scope of heat transfer in evaporators. | lecture | test | ||
MEK03 | He learns fundamentals of design of heat exchangers | design | correct realization of the project | ||
MEK04 | Sudent knows principles of operating and measuring parameters of heat exchange in typical processes of heat exchange | laboratory | test |
Sem. | TK | The content | realized in | MEK |
5 | TK01 | wykład laboratorium | MEK01 MEK02 | |
5 | TK02 | projekt | MEK03 | |
5 | TK03 | TK03 | MEK04 |
The type of classes | The work before classes | The participation in classes | The work after classes |
Lecture (sem. 5) | The preparation for a test:
5.00 hours/sem. |
contact hours:
15.00 hours/sem. |
complementing/reading through notes:
1.00 hours/sem. Studying the recommended bibliography: 1.00 hours/sem. |
Laboratory (sem. 5) | contact hours:
15.00 hours/sem. |
Project/Seminar (sem. 5) | contact hours:
15.00 hours/sem.. |
Doing the project/report/ Keeping records:
1.00 hours/sem. |
Advice (sem. 5) | |||
Credit (sem. 5) | The preparation for a Credit:
5.00 hours/sem. |
The written credit:
2.00 hours/sem. |
The type of classes | The way of giving the final grade |
Lecture | On the basis of mark obtained form the colloquium |
Laboratory | On the basis of mark obtained form the colloquium |
Project/Seminar | |
The final grade | The final note is calculated according to the scheme: 40%OW + 30%OL + 30%OP, where OW, OL and OP are notes obtained from lecture, labolatory and performing the heat exchanger design |
Required during the exam/when receiving the credit
Realized during classes/laboratories/projects
Can a student use any teaching aids during the exam/when receiving the credit : no