Item card

Physical chemistry

Some basic information about the module

Cycle of education: 2017/2018

The name of the faculty organization unit: The faculty Chemistry

The name of the field of study: Chemical and process engineering

The area of study: technical sciences

The profile of studing:

The level of study: first degree study

Type of study: full time

discipline specialities : Processing of polymer materials (PT), Product design and engineering of pro-ecological processes (PP)

The degree after graduating from university: Bachelor of Science (BSc)

The name of the module department : Department of Physical Chemistry

The code of the module: 261

The module status: mandatory for teaching programme

The position in the studies teaching programme: sem: 3, 4 / W60 C60 L45 / 12 ECTS / E,E

The language of the lecture: Polish

The name of the coordinator 1: Prof. Andrzej Sobkowiak, DSc, PhD, Eng.

office hours of the coordinator: Poniedziałek 16:00-17:30, Czwartek 16:00-17:30

The name of the coordinator 2: Tomasz Pacześniak, PhD, Eng.

The name of the coordinator 3: Prof. Paweł Chmielarz, DSc, PhD, Eng.

office hours of the coordinator: Czwartek 12:00-14:00, Piątek 12:00-14:00

semester 4: Izabela Zaborniak, PhD, Eng. , office hours Tuesday 12:00-14:00, Thursday 12:30-14:30

semester 3: Monika Flejszar, PhD , office hours Tuesday 10:30-12:00, Wednesday 10:30-12:00

The aim of studying and bibliography

The main aim of study: A student acquires a basic knowledge of physical chemistry, essential for continuation of the study and work.

The general information about the module: The module is realised in the third and fourth semester. In the third semester there are 30 hours of lectures and 30 hours of seminar (computational exercises), and in the fourth semester there are 30 hours of lecture, 30 hours of seminar (computational exercises) and 30 hours of laboratory. Both in the third and fourth semester module ends with an examination.

Teaching materials: Instrukcje do ćwiczeń laboratoryjnych

Bibliography required to complete the module
Bibliography used during lectures
1 P.W. Atkins Chemia Fizyczna PWN Warszawa. 2001
2 Różni autorzy Wykłady z chemii fizycznej WNT Warszawa.
3 K. Pigoń, Z. Ruziewicz Chemia fizyczna T.1-2 PWN Warszawa.
Bibliography used during classes/laboratories/others
1 P.W. Atkins, C.A. Trapp Chemia Fizyczna, Zbiór zadań z rozwiązaniami PWN Warszawa. 2001
2 H.E. Avery, D.J. Shaw Ćwiczenia rachunkowe z chemii fizycznej PWN Warszawa.
3 A.W. Adamson Zadania z chemii fizycznej PWN Warszawa.
4 J. Demichowicz-Pigoniowa Obliczenia fizykochemiczne PWN Warszawa.
5 Z. Hippe, A. Kerste, M. Mazur Ćwiczenia laboratoryjne z chemii fizycznej (z programami do obliczeń na EMC) PWN Warszawa.

Basic requirements in category knowledge/skills/social competences

Formal requirements: Registration for the semester.

Basic requirements in category knowledge: A basic knowledge of general chemistry, inorganic chemistry and physics is required.

Basic requirements in category skills: Knowledge of basics of general chemistry, physics and basic skills in differential and integral calculus.

Basic requirements in category social competences: Knows health and safety regulations concerning laboratory work. Is responsible, displays maturity indispensable for a job in chemistry.

Module outcomes

MEK The student who completed the module Types of classes / teaching methods leading to achieving a given outcome of teaching Methods of verifying every mentioned outcome of teaching Relationships with KEK Relationships with OEK
01 Has a basic knowledge of physical chemistry and knows the principles describing basic physicochemical phenomena and processes. lecture, seminar (computational exercise) written egzamination, written tests K_W07+++
02 Has a basic knowledge of physical chemistry, including some properties of chemical molecules lecture, seminar (computational exercises) written egzamination, written tests K_W07+++
03 Is able to carry out some physicochemical calculations in the area of physical chemistry of particular importance to chemical engineering seminar (computational exercises) written egzamination, written tests K_U10++
04 Is able to use basic principles and physicochemical quantities for description and interpretation of a chemical process lecture, seminar (computational exercises), laboratory written egzamination, written/oral tests K_U10++
05 Is able to use physicochemical laws and quantities on elementary level, for description of chemical molecule properties lecture, seminar (computational exercises), laboratory written egzamination, written/oral tests K_U10++
06 Is able to plan and carry out a laboratory experiment, obeying health and safety regulations, for investigation of basic physicochemical principles and phenomena, interpret results, draw correct conclusions and prepare a final report laboratory written/oral tests, written reports K_U10++
07 Is able to work in a team environment, running laboratory experiments in the field of physicochemistry laboratory performance observation, written report K_K03+

Attention: Depending on the epidemic situation, verification of the achieved learning outcomes specified in the study program, in particular credits and examinations at the end of specific classes, can be implemented remotely (real-time meetings).

The syllabus of the module

Sem. TK The content realized in MEK
3 TK01 The theory of perfect gases. Equations of state. Dalton’s law and Amagat's law. The theories of real gases. The kinetic theory of perfect gases. Chemical thermodynamics. System. Surroundings. Work. Heat. Cyclic processes. Reversible processes. Isothermal reversible expansion of a gas. The first law of thermodynamics. Internal energy. Enthalpy. Heat capacity of gases, liquids and solids. Thermochemistry. Enthalpy of formation of compounds. Heat of solubility. Bond energy. The temperature dependence of reaction rate on temperature. The second and the third law of thermodynamics. Spontaneous transformations. Carnot cycle. Entropy. Entropy changes in reversible and irreversible processes. Entropy of mixing. Gibbs energy. Helmholtz energy. Differentials and derivatives of thermodynamic functions. The influence of pressure and temperature on free energy. Thermodynamic criteria of spontaneity of processes. Partial molar quantities. Chemical potential. Interatomic and intermolecular interactions. Viscosity and surface tension of liquids. Phase equilibria and diagrams. Three-component systems. Phase rule. Clapeyron equation. Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Vapor pressures over ideal solutions. Vapor pressures over real solutions. Solubilities of gases and liquids. Thermodynamics of ideal solutions. Activity. Activity coefficient. Boiling temperature – composition diagrams of two-component solutions. Azeotropes. Colligative properties. Diffusion equations. Viscosities of liquids and gases. Colloidal systems and surfactants. Physicochemical properties of colloids. Chemical equilibrium. A thermodynamic equilibrium constant. Chemical equilibrium in gas phase. Gibbs energy function. The influence of pressure and temperature on chemical equilibrium. W30 MEK01 MEK02
3 TK02 Physicochemical calculations connected with theory of perfect and real gases, chemical thermodynamics, phase equilibrium, colligative properties of solutions. C30 MEK03 MEK04
4 TK01 Chemical kinetics. The rate and the order of reaction. Zero, first, second, third and fraction order reactions. Determination of reaction order and rate constant. Dependence of reaction rate and reaction rate constant on temperature. Arrhenius theory and transition state theory. Kinetics of complex reaction. Kinetics of enzymatic reaction. Basics of katalysis. Gibbs-Duhem equation. Gibbs adsorpion equation. Adsorption. Adsorption theories. Langmuir, Freundlich and BET equation. Surface catalytic activity. Electrolyte solutions. Debye-Hückel theory. Activity of electrolyte solutions. Specific and molar conductance of strong and weak electrolytes. Transport numbers. Ionic mobility. Thermodynamics of electrolyte solutions. Electrochemistry. Semicells and electrochemical cells. Conventions. Electrode potential. Chemical reactions in semicells. Nernst equation. Electromotive force of electrochemical cells. Thermodynamics of electrochemical cell. Physicochemical aplications of electrochemical measurements. Batteries and fuel cells. Theoretical basics of molecular spectroscopy. Symmetry elements. W30 MEK01 MEK02
4 TK02 Physicochemical calculations connected with chemical equillibrium, chemical kinetics of simple, complex and enzymatic reactions, theory of electrolyte solutions, ionic conductance and electrodics. C30 MEK03 MEK04
4 TK03 Determination of evaporation enthalpy of a high-boiling liquid. Determination of phase equilibrium in three - component system. Determination of boiling temperature – composition diagram for chloroform – acetone system. Determination of reaction order and rate.Determination of thermical activation of a chemical reaction. Determination of distribution coefficient. Determination of surface tension of liquids. Determination of adsorption isotherm. Determination of limiting molar conductivity of electrolyte solution. Determination of ∆G, ∆H and ∆S of chemical reaction. L30 MEK05 MEK06 MEK07

The student's effort

The type of classes The work before classes The participation in classes The work after classes
Lecture (sem. 3) contact hours: 30.00 hours/sem.
complementing/reading through notes: 15.00 hours/sem.
Class (sem. 3) The preparation for a Class: 15.00 hours/sem.
The preparation for a test: 15.00 hours/sem.
contact hours: 30.00 hours/sem.
Finishing/Studying tasks: 15.00 hours/sem.
Laboratory (sem. 3) contact hours: 15.00 hours/sem.
Advice (sem. 3) The participation in Advice: 3.00 hours/sem.
Exam (sem. 3) The preparation for an Exam: 24.00 hours/sem.
The written exam: 3.00 hours/sem.
Lecture (sem. 4) contact hours: 30.00 hours/sem.
complementing/reading through notes: 2.00 hours/sem.
Studying the recommended bibliography: 10.00 hours/sem.
Class (sem. 4) The preparation for a Class: 10.00 hours/sem.
The preparation for a test: 9.00 hours/sem.
contact hours: 30.00 hours/sem.
Finishing/Studying tasks: 10.00 hours/sem.
Laboratory (sem. 4) The preparation for a Laboratory: 2.00 hours/sem.
The preparation for a test: 12.00 hours/sem.
contact hours: 30.00 hours/sem.
Finishing/Making the report: 10.00 hours/sem.
Advice (sem. 4) The participation in Advice: 2.00 hours/sem.
Exam (sem. 4) The preparation for an Exam: 20.00 hours/sem.
The written exam: 3.00 hours/sem.

The way of giving the component module grades and the final grade

The type of classes The way of giving the final grade
Lecture A written examination, including the content of lectures and seminars (calculation exercises) of a given term. The examination includes theoretical part and calculation problems. The examination mark depends on the score gained: 3.0 (50.0%-60.0%) MP ; 3.5 (60.1%-70.0%) MP; 4.0 (70.1%-80.0%) MP; 4,5 (80.1%-90.0%) MP; 5.0 (90.1%-100%) MP. MP denotes the full score.
Class Passing 3 written tests, including computational and theoretical problems from defined branches of physical chemistry, completed in a given term. The students, which failed to pass any of the tests are supposed to take a written resit test, including contents of previously failed tests. The written examination marks depend on the score: 3.0 (50.0%-60.0%) MP ; 3.5 (60.1%-70.0%) MP; 4.0 (70.1%-80.0%) MP; 4,5 (80.1%-90.0%) MP; 5.0 (90.1%-100%) MP. MP denotes the full score. Final mark in seminar, obtained before examination session is an arithmetic mean of the marks in tests, including resits. This mark has a coefficient w=1.0 for a calculation of a final mark for the module, taking into account the first test results. The final mark, obtained during resit session, depends on the score: 3.0 (50.0%-60.0%) MP ; 3.5 (60.1%-70.0%) MP; 4.0 (70.1%-80.0%) MP; 4,5 (80.1%-90.0%) MP; 5.0 (90.1%-100%) MP. MP denotes the full score. This mark (in seminar) contributes to the final mark in the module according to a coefficient w=0.9 or w=0.8 for respectively first or second resit. In all cases the final mark is rounded according to WKZJK.
Laboratory The necessary condition for receiving a credit for the laboratory is obtaining at least a pass mark in every exercise included in the schedule. The total mark in an exercise is an arithmetic mean of the marks obtained for a written/oral test, correct performance of an experiment and correct preparation of a report. The mark in the laboratory is an arithmetic mean of the marks obtained for every exercise included in the schedule. A final mark in the laboratory is rounded according to WKZJK.
The final grade A final mark (K): K= 0.33 w C + 0.33 w L + 0.34 w E; where: C, L, E denote respectively a positive mark in the seminar (computational exercises), the laboratory and the examination. w – a coefficient for an examination resits, w = 1.0 for a regular examination, w = 0.9 for a first resit, w = 0.8 for a second resit. A final mark is rounded according to WKZJK.
Lecture A written examination, including the content of lectures, seminars (calculation exercises) and laboratories of a given term. The examination includes theoretical part and calculation problems. An examination mark depends on the score gained: 3.0 (50.0%-60.0%) MP ; 3.5 (60.1%-70.0%) MP; 4.0 (70.1%-80.0%) MP; 4,5 (80.1%-90.0%) MP; 5.0 (90.1%-100%) MP. MP denotes the full score.
Class Passing 3 written tests, including computational and theoretical problems from defined branches of physical chemistry, completed in a given term. The students, which failed to pass any of the tests are supposed to take a written resit test, including contents of previously failed tests. The written examination marks depend on the score: 3.0 (50.0%-60.0%) MP ; 3.5 (60.1%-70.0%) MP; 4.0 (70.1%-80.0%) MP; 4,5 (80.1%-90.0%) MP; 5.0 (90.1%-100%) MP. MP denotes the full score. A final mark in seminar, obtained before an examination session is an arithmetic mean of the marks in tests, including resits. This mark has a coefficient w=1.0 for a calculation of a final mark for the module, taking into account the first test results. A final mark, obtained during a resit session, depends on the score: 3.0 (50.0%-60.0%) MP ; 3.5 (60.1%-70.0%) MP; 4.0 (70.1%-80.0%) MP; 4,5 (80.1%-90.0%) MP; 5.0 (90.1%-100%) MP. MP denotes the full score. This mark (in seminar) contributes to the final mark in the module according to a coefficient w=0.9 or w=0.8 for respectively first or second resit. In all cases a final mark is rounded according to WKZJK.
Laboratory The necessary condition for receiving a credit for the laboratory is obtaining at least a pass mark in every exercise included in the schedule. The total mark in an exercise is an arithmetic mean of the marks obtained for a written/oral test, correct performance of an experiment and correct preparation of a report. The mark in the laboratory is an arithmetic mean of the marks obtained for every exercise included in the schedule. A final mark in the laboratory is rounded according to WKZJK.
The final grade A final mark (K): K= 0.33 w C + 0.33 w L + 0.34 w E; where: C, L, E denote respectively a positive mark in the seminar (computational exercises), the laboratory and the examination. w – a coefficient for an examination resits, w = 1.0 for a regular examination, w = 0.9 for a first resit, w = 0.8 for a second resit. A final mark is rounded according to WKZJK.

Sample problems

Required during the exam/when receiving the credit

Realized during classes/laboratories/projects


Can a student use any teaching aids during the exam/when receiving the credit : no

The contents of the module are associated with the research profile: yes

1 K. Awsiuk; J. Bała; P. Chmielarz; E. Ciszkowicz; J. Raczkowska; M. Sroka; K. Wolski; I. Zaborniak Grafting of Multifunctional Polymer Brushes from a Glass Surface: Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization as a Versatile Tool for Biomedical Materials Engineering 2024
2 K. Awsiuk; P. Chmielarz; M. Flejszar; N. Janiszewska; J. Raczkowska; K. Spilarewicz; K. Ślusarczyk; K. Wolski; M. Wytrwal On the way to increase osseointegration potential: Sequential SI-ATRP as promising tool for PEEK-based implant nano-engineering 2024
3 P. Błoniarz; P. Chmielarz; K. Kisiel; M. Klamut; K. Matyjaszewski; M. Niemiec; A. Pellis; C. Warne; I. Zaborniak Controlled Polymer Synthesis Toward Green Chemistry: Deep Insights into Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization in Biobased Substitutes for Polar Aprotic Solvents 2024
4 D. Naróg; A. Sobkowiak Electrochemistry of Flavonoids 2023
5 G. Bartosz; P. Chmielarz; A. Dziedzic; N. Pieńkowska; I. Sadowska-Bartosz; I. Zaborniak Nitroxide-containing amphiphilic polymers prepared by simplified electrochemically mediated ATRP as candidates for therapeutic antioxidants 2023
6 G. Bartosz; P. Chmielarz; M. Fahnestock; C. Mahadeo; N. Pieńkowska; I. Sadowska-Bartosz; I. Zaborniak Induction of Oxidative Stress in SH-SY5Y Cells by Overexpression of hTau40 and Its Mitigation by Redox-Active Nanoparticles 2023
7 K. Awsiuk; P. Chmielarz; M. Flejszar; A. Hochół; J. Raczkowska; K. Spilarewicz; K. Ślusarczyk; K. Wolski; M. Wytrwal Sequential SI-ATRP in μL-scale for surface nanoengineering: A new concept for designing polyelectrolyte nanolayers formed by complex architecture polymers 2023
8 P. Błoniarz; P. Chmielarz; M. Flejszar; A. Hochół; K. Spilarewicz; K. Ślusarczyk Replacing organics with water: Macromolecular engineering of non-water miscible poly(meth)acrylates via interfacial and ion-pair catalysis SARA ATRP in miniemulsion 2023
9 P. Chmielarz; I. Zaborniak How we can improve ARGET ATRP in an aqueous system: Honey as an unusual solution for polymerization of (meth)acrylates 2023
10 P. Chmielarz; I. Zaborniak Polymer-modified regenerated cellulose membranes: following the atom transfer radical polymerization concepts consistent with the principles of green chemistry 2023
11 P. Chmielarz; M. Flejszar; A. Hochół Advances and opportunities in synthesis of flame retardant polymers via reversible deactivation radical polymerization 2023
12 P. Chmielarz; M. Flejszar; K. Ślusarczyk From non-conventional ideas to multifunctional solvents inspired by green chemistry: fancy or sustainable macromolecular chemistry? 2023
13 P. Chmielarz; M. Flejszar; M. Oszajca Red is the new green: Dry wine-based miniemulsion as eco-friendly reaction medium for sustainable atom transfer radical polymerization 2023
14 P. Chmielarz; M. Flejszar; M. Sroka; M. Sroka; I. Zaborniak Innowacyjne koncepcje syntezy polimerów technikami polimeryzacji rodnikowej z przeniesieniem 2023
15 P. Chmielarz; M. Korbecka; K. Matyjaszewski; Z. Michno; I. Zaborniak Vegetable Oil as a Continuous Phase in Inverse Emulsions: ARGET ATRP for Synthesis of Water-Soluble Polymers 2023
16 P. Chmielarz; M. Sroka; I. Zaborniak Modification of Polyurethanes by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization and Their Application 2023
17 P. Chmielarz; T. Pacześniak; K. Rydel-Ciszek; A. Sobkowiak Bio-Inspired Iron Pentadentate Complexes as Dioxygen Activators in the Oxidation of Cyclohexene and Limonene 2023
18 Ł. Florczak; B. Kościelniak; A. Kramek; A. Sobkowiak The Influence of Potassium Hexafluorophosphate on the Morphology and Anticorrosive Properties of Conversion Coatings Formed on the AM50 Magnesium Alloy by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation 2023
19 D. Naróg; A. Sobkowiak Electrochemical Investigation of some Flavonoids in Aprotic Media 2022
20 K. Darowicki; Ł. Florczak; G. Nawrat; K. Raga; J. Ryl; J. Sieniawski; A. Sobkowiak; M. Wierzbińska The Effect of Sodium Tetrafluoroborate on the Properties of Conversion Coatings Formed on the AZ91D Magnesium Alloy by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation 2022
21 M. Bockstaller; P. Chmielarz; T. Liu; K. Matyjaszewski; M. Sun; G. Szczepaniak; J. Tarnsangpradit; Y. Wang; Z. Wang; H. Wu; R. Yin; I. Zaborniak; Y. Zhao Miniemulsion SI-ATRP by Interfacial and Ion-Pair Catalysis for the Synthesis of Nanoparticle Brushes 2022
22 P. Błoniarz; P. Chmielarz; K. Surmacz Coffee Beverage: A New Strategy for the Synthesis of Polymethacrylates via ATRP 2022
23 P. Chmielarz; A. Górska; G. Grześ; K. Matyjaszewski; K. Pielichowska; Z. Wang; K. Wolski; I. Zaborniak Maltotriose-based star polymers as self-healing materials 2022
24 P. Chmielarz; E. Ciszkowicz; K. Lecka-Szlachta; A. Macior; J. Smenda; K. Wolski; I. Zaborniak A New Protocol for Ash Wood Modification: Synthesis of Hydrophobic and Antibacterial Brushes from the Wood Surface 2022
25 P. Chmielarz; H. Cölfen; M. Flejszar; M. Gießlb; J. Smenda; K. Wolski; S. Zapotoczny A new opportunity for the preparation of PEEK-based bone implant materials: From SARA ATRP to photo-ATRP 2022
26 P. Chmielarz; I. Zaborniak Comestible curcumin: From kitchen to polymer chemistry as a photocatalyst in metal-free ATRP of (meth)acrylates 2022
27 P. Chmielarz; I. Zaborniak Nanofibers for the paper industry 2022
28 P. Chmielarz; M. Flejszar; A. Gennaro; A. Isse; M. Oszajca; K. Ślusarczyk; K. Wolski; M. Wytrwal-Sarna Working electrode geometry effect: A new concept for fabrication of patterned polymer brushes via SI-seATRP at ambient conditions 2022
29 P. Chmielarz; M. Flejszar; M. Oszajca; J. Smenda; K. Ślusarczyk; K. Wolski; M. Wytrwal-Sarna SI-ATRP on the lab bench: A facile recipe for oxygen-tolerant PDMAEMA brushes synthesis using microliter volumes of reagents 2022
30 P. Chmielarz; M. Sroka; I. Zaborniak Lemonade as a rich source of antioxidants: Polymerization of 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate in lemon extract 2022
31 A. Baran; M. Drajewicz; A. Dryzner; M. Dubiel; Ł. Florczak; M. Kocój-Toporowska; A. Krząkała; K. Kwolek; P. Kwolek; G. Lach; G. Nawrat; Ł. Nieużyła; K. Raga; J. Sieniawski; A. Sobkowiak; T. Wieczorek Method of Forming Corrosion Resistant Coating and Related Apparatus 2021
32 M. Caceres Najarro; P. Chmielarz; J. Iruthayaraj; A. Macior; I. Zaborniak Lignin-based thermoresponsive macromolecules via vitamin-induced metal-free ATRP 2021
33 P. Błoniarz; D. Maksym; J. Muzart; T. Pacześniak; A. Pokutsa; A. Zaborovskyi Cyclohexane oxidation: relationships of the process efficiency with electrical conductance, electronic and cyclic voltammetry spectra of the reaction mixture 2021
34 P. Chmielarz; A. Macior; I. Zaborniak Smart, Naturally-Derived Macromolecules for Controlled Drug Release 2021
35 P. Chmielarz; A. Macior; J. Smenda; K. Wolski; I. Zaborniak Hydrophobic modification of fir wood surface via low ppm ATRP strategy 2021
36 P. Chmielarz; A. Miłaczewska; T. Pacześniak; K. Rydel-Ciszek; A. Sobkowiak ‘Oxygen-Consuming Complexes’–Catalytic Effects of Iron–Salen Complexes with Dioxygen 2021
37 P. Chmielarz; I. Zaborniak Riboflavin-mediated radical polymerization – Outlook for eco-friendly synthesis of functional materials 2021
38 P. Chmielarz; M. Flejszar; J. Smenda; K. Wolski Following principles of green chemistry: Low ppm photo-ATRP of DMAEMA in water/ethanol mixture 2021
39 P. Chmielarz; M. Flejszar; K. Ślusarczyk Less is more: A review of μL-scale of SI-ATRP in polymer brushes synthesis 2021
40 W. Frącz; T. Pacześniak; I. Zarzyka Rigid polyurethane foams modified with borate and oxamide groups-Preparation and properties 2021
41 P. Błoniarz; J. Muzart; T. Pacześniak; A. Pokutsa; S. Tkach; A. Zaborovskyi Sustainable oxidation of cyclohexane and toluene in the presence of affordable catalysts: Impact of the tandem of promoter/oxidant on process efficiency 2020
42 P. Błoniarz; O. Fliunt; Y. Kubaj; T. Pacześniak; A. Pokutsa; A. Zaborovskyi Sustainable oxidation of cyclohexane catayzed by a VO(acac)2 - oxalic acid tandem: the electrochemical motive of the process efficiency 2020
43 P. Błoniarz; P. Chmielarz; T. Pacześniak; K. Rydel-Ciszek; A. Sobkowiak; K. Surmacz; I. Zaborniak Iron-Based Catalytically Active Complexes in Preparation of Functional Materials 2020
44 P. Błoniarz; Y. Kubaj; D. Maksym; J. Muzart; T. Pacześniak; A. Pokutsa; A. Zaborovskyi Versatile and Affordable Approach for Tracking the Oxidative Stress Caused by the Free Radicals: the Chemical Perception 2020
45 P. Chmielarz; A. Macior; I. Zaborniak Stimuli-Responsive Rifampicin-Based Macromolecules 2020
46 P. Chmielarz; I. Zaborniak Dually-functional riboflavin macromolecule as a supramolecular initiator and reducing agent in temporally-controlled low ppm ATRP 2020
47 P. Chmielarz; I. Zaborniak Miniemulsion switchable electrolysis under constant current conditions 2020
48 P. Chmielarz; K. Matyjaszewski; I. Zaborniak Synthesis of riboflavin-based macromolecules through low ppm ATRP in aqueous media 2020
49 P. Chmielarz; K. Surmacz Low ppm atom transfer radical polymerization in (mini)emulsion systems 2020
50 P. Chmielarz; K. Surmacz; I. Zaborniak Synthesis of sugar-based macromolecules via sono-ATRP in miniemulsion 2020
51 P. Chmielarz; K. Wolski; I. Zaborniak Riboflavin-induced metal-free ATRP of (meth)acrylates 2020
52 P. Chmielarz; M. Flejszar Surface modifications of poly(ether ether ketone) via polymerization methods – current status and future prospects 2020
53 P. Chmielarz; M. Flejszar; G. Grześ; K. Wolski; S. Zapotoczny Polymer Brushes via Surface-Initiated Electrochemically Mediated ATRP: Role of a Sacrificial Initiator in Polymerization of Acrylates on Silicon Substrates 2020
54 P. Chmielarz; M. Flejszar; K. Surmacz; I. Zaborniak Triple-functional riboflavin-based molecule for efficient atom transfer radical polymerization in miniemulsion media 2020
55 P. Chmielarz; M. Flejszar; R. Ostatek; K. Surmacz; I. Zaborniak Preparation of hydrophobic tannins-inspired polymer materials via low ppm ATRP methods 2020
56 P. Chmielarz; M. Martinez; K. Matyjaszewski; Z. Wang; K. Wolski; I. Zaborniak Synthesis of high molecular weight poly(n-butyl acrylate) macromolecules via seATRP: From polymer stars to molecular bottlebrushes 2020
57 P. Chmielarz; A. Gennaro; G. Grześ; A. Isse; A. Sobkowiak; K. Wolski; I. Zaborniak; S. Zapotoczny Tannic acid-inspired star-like macromolecules via temporally-controlled multi-step potential electrolysis 2019
58 P. Chmielarz; I. Zaborniak Temporally-controlled ultrasonication-mediated atom transfer radical polymerization in miniemulsion 2019
59 P. Chmielarz; I. Zaborniak Ultrasound-mediated atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) 2019
60 P. Chmielarz; K. Matyjaszewski; I. Zaborniak Modification of wood-based materials by atom transfer radical polymerization methods 2019
61 P. Chmielarz; M. Flejszar Surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization for the preparation of well-defined organic-inorganic hybrid nanomaterials 2019