Item card

Metabolomics and lipidomics BF

Some basic information about the module

Cycle of education: 2017/2018

The name of the faculty organization unit: The faculty Chemistry

The name of the field of study: Biotechnology

The area of study: technical sciences

The profile of studing:

The level of study: second degree study

Type of study: full time

discipline specialities : Laboratory diagnostics in biotechnology (DL), Pharmaceutical biotechnology (BF), process and bioprocess engineering (IP), Purification and analysis of biotechnological products (OA)

The degree after graduating from university: Master of Science (MSc)

The name of the module department : Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

The code of the module: 10264

The module status: mandatory for the speciality Pharmaceutical biotechnology (BF)

The position in the studies teaching programme: sem: 2 / W15 L30 / 3 ECTS / E

The language of the lecture: Polish

The name of the coordinator: Prof. Tomasz Ruman, DSc, PhD, Eng.

office hours of the coordinator: pon - pt 10-11

semester 2: Joanna Nizioł, DSc, PhD

The aim of studying and bibliography

The main aim of study: Metabolomics is the systematic study of the unique chemical fingerprints that specific cellular processes leave behind. It is the study of their small-molecule metabolite profiles. The metabolome represents the collection of all metabolites in a biological organism, which are the end products of its gene expression. Metabolic profiling can give an instantaneous snapshot of the physiology of that cell/organ/organism. The aim of this module is to transfer knowledge regarding metabolites, metabolic profiling methods and also about analysis of metabolic information derived from single compounds and from complex metabolomic profiles.

The general information about the module: Module is realised in second semester. Contain 15 hours of lectures and 30 hours of laboratory classes. Module ends with an exam.

Teaching materials: tr.sd.prz.edu.pl

Bibliography required to complete the module
Bibliography to self-study
1 Robert M. Silverstein, Francis X. Webster, David J. Kiemle Spektroskopowe metody identyfikacji związków organicznych Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. 2012
2 W. Zielinski, A. Rajca Metody spektroskopowe i ich zastosowanie do identyfikacji zwiazków organicznych Wydawnictwo Naukowo Techniczne. 1995
3 M. Szafran, Z. Dega-Szafran Okreslanie struktury zwiazków organicznych metodami spektroskopowymi Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. 1988
4 L.A. Kazicyna, N.B. Kupletska Metody spektroskopowe wyznaczania struktury zwiazków organicznych Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. 1974
5 Walczyna, J. Sokołowski, G. Kupryszewski Analiza zwiazków organicznych Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. 1996
6 L. Kłyszejko-Stefanowicz Ćwiczenia z biochemii Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. 2005
7 A. Berthillier Chromatografia i jej zastosowanie Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. 1975
8 A. Kraj, J. Silberring Proteomika Wydział Chemii UJ. 2004
9 A. Dubin Wprowadzenie do chemii białek Wydział Biotechnologii UJ. 2003
10 Walkowiak B. Techniki chromatografii cieczowej. Przykłady zastosowań. Techniki chromatografii cieczowej. Przykłady zastosowań Amersham Pharmacia Biotech. MORPOL. 2000
11 Kozik A., Rąpała-Kozik M., Guevara-Lora I Analiza instrumentalna w biochemii. Wybrane problemy i metody instrumentalnej biochemii analitycznej Instytutu Biologii Molekularnej UJ. 2001
12 A. Kraj, A. Drabik, J.Silberring Proteomika i metabolomika Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. 2010

Basic requirements in category knowledge/skills/social competences

Formal requirements: semester registration

Basic requirements in category knowledge: Composition of proteins and nucleic acids. Composition od function of saccharides, amino acids, peptides and other low molecular weight organics of biological origin. Basic knowledge of organic reacti

Basic requirements in category skills: Good technical or chemical english; able of internet and literature search; laboratory practice with corrosive compounds and automatic pipettes.

Basic requirements in category social competences: effective collaboration with team members

Module outcomes

MEK The student who completed the module Types of classes / teaching methods leading to achieving a given outcome of teaching Methods of verifying every mentioned outcome of teaching Relationships with KEK Relationships with OEK
01 know physical background of methods: NMR, FTIR, MS lectures written exam K_W01++
02 can work with biomacromolecules without its decomposition; can perform analyses and results interpretation Lectures colloquium K_W08+

Attention: Depending on the epidemic situation, verification of the achieved learning outcomes specified in the study program, in particular credits and examinations at the end of specific classes, can be implemented remotely (real-time meetings).

The syllabus of the module

Sem. TK The content realized in MEK
2 TK01 Metabolome, metabolites, lipids W01-W05 MEK01 MEK02
2 TK02 basics of MS, NMR and FTIR, fluorescence methods, electrophoresis, X-ray diffraction W06-W10 MEK02
2 TK03 biomolecule separation methods - chromatography, electrophoresis etc. advanced microsopic methods W11-15 MEK02
2 TK04 MS imaging of biological object L04 MEK02
2 TK05 Identification of microorganisms on the basis of MS analysis of proteins and metabolites L05 MEK02
2 TK06 NMR metabolomics L06 MEK02

The student's effort

The type of classes The work before classes The participation in classes The work after classes
Lecture (sem. 2) The preparation for a test: 9.00 hours/sem.
contact hours: 15.00 hours/sem.
complementing/reading through notes: 2.00 hours/sem.
Studying the recommended bibliography: 3.00 hours/sem.
Laboratory (sem. 2) The preparation for a Laboratory: 3.00 hours/sem.
The preparation for a test: 4.00 hours/sem.
contact hours: 30.00 hours/sem.
Finishing/Making the report: 2.00 hours/sem.
Advice (sem. 2)
Exam (sem. 2) The preparation for an Exam: 12.00 hours/sem.

The way of giving the component module grades and the final grade

The type of classes The way of giving the final grade
Lecture exam
Laboratory colloquium
The final grade Final grade K = 0,5wW+ 0,5wL, where W - lecture grade (lecture material colloquium/exam grade) L - average of laboratory colloquia grades w - factor of positive grade session number - 1 for first, 0.9 for second, 0.8 for third Positive grade - min 50% of maximum points; every 10% more - grade rises of 0.5 up to 5.0

Sample problems

Required during the exam/when receiving the credit

Realized during classes/laboratories/projects


Can a student use any teaching aids during the exam/when receiving the credit : no

The contents of the module are associated with the research profile: yes

1 A. Kołodziej; Z. Krupa; J. Nizioł; A. Ossolińska; K. Ossoliński; T. Ossoliński; A. Płaza-Altamer; T. Ruman Untargeted metabolomics of bladder tissue using liquid chromatography and quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry for cancer biomarker detection 2024
2 B. Guratowska; A. Kuźniar; J. Nizioł; A. Nowak; M. Okrasa; T. Ruman; M. Ryngajłło; J. Szulc Uncontrolled Post-Industrial Landfill—Source of Metals, Potential Toxic Compounds, Dust, and Pathogens in Environment—A Case Study 2024
3 V. Copie; A. Kołodziej; Z. Krupa; J. Nizioł; A. Ossolińska; K. Ossoliński; T. Ossoliński; A. Płaza-Altamer; T. Ruman; B. Tripet Metabolomic profiling of human bladder tissue extracts 2024
4 Z. Krupa; M. Misiorek; J. Nizioł; T. Ruman Infrared Laser-Based Selected Reaction Monitoring Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Banana (Musa spp.) Tissue—New Method for Detection and Spatial Localization of Metabolites in Food 2024
5 A. Arendowski; A. Kołodziej; J. Nizioł; A. Ossolińska; K. Ossoliński; T. Ossoliński; A. Płaza-Altamer; T. Ruman Monoisotopic silver nanoparticles-based mass spectrometry imaging of human bladder cancer tissue: Biomarker discovery 2023
6 A. Kołodziej; A. Nieczaj; J. Nizioł; A. Ossolińska; K. Ossoliński; T. Ossoliński; A. Płaza-Altamer; T. Ruman Untargeted urinary metabolomics for bladder cancer biomarker screening with ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry 2023
7 A. Kołodziej; Z. Krupa; J. Nizioł; A. Płaza-Altamer; T. Ruman Infrared pulsed fiber laser-produced gold and silver-109 nanoparticles for laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry of steroid hormones 2023
8 M. Dudek; B. Gutarowska; M. Komar; J. Nizioł; P. Nowicka-Krawczyk; T. Ruman Biodeterioration potential of algae on building materials - Model study 2023
9 S. Kuberski; A. Kuźniar; J. Nizioł; A. Nowak; I. Nowak; M. Okrasa; T. Ruman; B. Szponar; J. Szulc Biological and chemical contamination of illegal, uncontrolled refuse storage areas in Poland 2023
10 V. Copie; A. Kołodziej; A. Nieczaj; J. Nizioł; A. Ossolińska; K. Ossoliński; T. Ossoliński; A. Płaza-Altamer; T. Ruman; B. Tripet Targeted and untargeted urinary metabolic profiling of bladder cancer 2023
11 A. Kołodziej; J. Nizioł; A. Ossolińska; K. Ossoliński; T. Ossoliński; A. Płaza-Altamer; T. Ruman Untargeted ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry metabolomic profiling of blood serum in bladder cancer 2022
12 A. Kołodziej; J. Nizioł; A. Płaza-Altamer; T. Ruman Infrared pulsed fiber laser-produced silver-109 nanoparticles for laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry of 3-hydroxycarboxylic acids 2022
13 A. Kołodziej; J. Nizioł; A. Płaza-Altamer; T. Ruman Infrared pulsed fiber laser-produced silver-109-nanoparticles for laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry of amino acids 2022
14 A. Kołodziej; J. Nizioł; A. Płaza-Altamer; T. Ruman Infrared pulsed fiber laser-produced silver-109-nanoparticles for laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry of carboxylic acids 2022
15 A. Kołodziej; J. Nizioł; A. Płaza-Altamer; T. Ruman Laser Ablation Synthesis in Solution and Nebulization of Silver-109 Nanoparticles for Mass Spectrometry and Mass Spectrometry Imaging 2022
16 A. Kołodziej; J. Nizioł; A. Płaza-Altamer; T. Ruman Laser generated gold nanoparticles for mass spectrometry of low molecular weight compounds 2022
17 A. Kołodziej; J. Nizioł; A. Płaza-Altamer; T. Ruman Obrazowanie tkanek za pomocą spektrometrii mas z laserową desorpcją/jonizacją 2022
18 B. Gutarowska; M. Komar; P. Konca; J. Nizioł; P. Nowicka-Krawczyk; T. Ruman Metabolomic analysis of photosynthetic biofilms on building façades in temperate climate zones 2022
19 B. Gutarowska; T. Ruman; J. Szulc Metagenomika i metabolomika – nowoczesne metody systemowe w identyfikacji mikroorganizmów oraz metabolitów odpowiedzialnych za niszczenie obiektów zabytkowych 2022
20 S. Kuberski; J. Nizioł; A. Nowak; M. Okrasa; T. Ruman; J. Szulc Assessment of Physicochemical, Microbiological and Toxicological Hazards at an Illegal Landfill in Central Poland 2022
21 V. Copie; A. Kołodziej; J. Nizioł; K. Nogueira; L. Nogueira; A. Ossolińska; K. Ossoliński; T. Ossoliński; A. Płaza-Altamer; T. Ruman; B. Tripet Metabolomic and elemental profiling of blood serum in bladder cancer 2022
22 A. Arendowski; J. Nizioł; A. Ossolińska; K. Ossoliński; T. Ossoliński; T. Ruman Serum and urine analysis with gold nanoparticle-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry for renal cell carcinoma metabolic biomarkers discovery 2021
23 A. Arendowski; V. Copie; J. Nizioł; K. Nogueira; L. Nogueira; K. Ossoliński; T. Ruman; B. Tripet Metabolomic and elemental profiling of human tissue in kidney cancer 2021
24 A. Arendowski; V. Copie; J. Nizioł; K. Ossoliński; T. Ruman; B. Tripet Nuclear magnetic resonance and surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry-based metabolome profiling of urine samples from kidney cancer patients 2021
25 A. Kołodziej; T. Ruman; J. Szulc Silver-109/Silver/Gold Nanoparticle-Enhanced Target Surface-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionisation Mass Spectrometry—The New Methods for an Assessment of Mycotoxin Concentration on Building Materials 2021
26 B. Gutarowska; K. Majchrzycka; J. Nizioł; A. Nowak; M. Okrasa; T. Ruman; M. Sulyok; B. Szponar; J. Szulc Microbiological and Toxicological Hazards in Sewage Treatment Plant Bioaerosol and Dust 2021
27 I. Beech; A. Drążkowska; B. Guratowska; J. Karbowska-Berent; T. Ruman; J. Sunner; J. Szulc Metabolomics and metagenomics analysis of 18th century archaeological silk 2021
28 M. Misiorek; J. Nizioł; T. Ruman Zastosowanie spektometrii mas do obrazowania rozmieszczenia flawonoidów w owocu truskawki 2021
29 A. Arendowski; J. Nizioł; K. Ossoliński; T. Ruman Gold nanostructures - assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry for kidney cancer blood serum biomarker screening 2020
30 A. Arendowski; J. Nizioł; K. Ossoliński; T. Ruman Screening of Urinary Renal Cancer Metabolic Biomarkers with Gold Nanoparticles-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry 2020
31 A. Arendowski; V. Copie; J. Nizioł; K. Ossoliński; T. Ruman; B. Tripet Nuclear magnetic resonance and surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry-based serum metabolomics of kidney cancer 2020
32 A. Kołodziej; J. Nizioł; T. Ruman Gold and silver nanoparticles-based laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry method for detection and quantification of carboxylic acids 2020
33 B. Guratowska; J. Karbowska-Berent; T. Kozielec; T. Ruman; J. Szulc Analyses of microorganisms and metabolites diversity on historic photographs using innovative methods 2020
34 B. Gutarowska; A. Jachowicz; S. Kowalska; W. Machnowski; T. Ruman; A. Steglinska; J. Szulc Beeswax-Modified Textiles: Method of Preparation and Assessment of Antimicrobial Properties 2020
35 B. Gutarowska; I. Jablonskaja; E. Jabłońska; J. Karbowska-Berent; T. Ruman; J. Szulc Metabolomics and metagenomics characteristic of historic beeswax seals 2020
36 I. Beech; J. Nizioł; A. Ossolińska; K. Ossoliński; T. Ossoliński; A. Płaza; T. Ruman; J. Sunner Localization of Metabolites of Human Kidney Tissue with Infrared Laser-Based Selected Reaction Monitoring Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Silver-109 Nanoparticle-Based Surface Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry Imaging 2020
37 T. Ruman; J. Szulc Laser Ablation Remote-Electrospray Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (LARESI MSI) Imaging—New Method for Detection and Spatial Localization of Metabolites and Mycotoxins Produced by Moulds 2020
38 A. Arendowski; J. Kucharz; J. Nizioł; A. Ossolińska; K. Ossoliński; T. Ossoliński; T. Ruman; P. Wiechno Mass spectrometry-based metabolomic profiling of prostate cancer-a pilot study 2019
39 J. Cebulski; M. Kus-Liśkiewicz; T. Ruman; M. Stompor; D. Szmuc; K. Szmuc; Ł. Szyller; S. Wołowiec; I. Zawlik Silver nanoparticles deposited on calcium hydrogenphosphate - silver phosphate matrix; biological activity of the composite 2019
40 M. Misiorek; J. Nizioł; T. Ruman Mass spectrometry imaging of low molecular weight metabolites in strawberry fruit (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) cv. Primoris with 109Ag nanoparticle enhanced target 2019