The main aim of study:
The aim of education is to familiarize students with the phenomena of mechanical, skills in the formulation of the problem and solving it using theoretical and experimental methods.
The general information about the module:
compulsory module for students in technical physics
Teaching materials:
wykłady w formie elektronicznej, zamieszczone na stronie domowej koordynatora
1 | C. Bobrowski | Fizyka - krótki kurs | WNT Warszawa. | 2003 |
2 | R. Feynman, R. Leighton, M. Sands | Feynmana wykłady z fizyki | Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN Warszawa. | 2001 |
3 | D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker | Podstawy fizyki, cz. 1, 2 | PWN Warszawa. | 2005, |
4 | J. Massalski, M. Massalska | Fizyka dla inżynierów | WNT Warszawa. | 2005 |
5 | J. Orear | Fizyka | WNT Warszawa . | 2004 |
6 | I.W. Sawieliew | Wykłady z fizyki cz. 1 | Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN Warszawa. | 2000 |
1 | K. Chłędowska, R. Sikora | Wybrane problemy fizyki z rozwiązaniami, cz. 1 | Oficyna Wydawnicza PRz. | 2010 |
2 | K. Krop. K. Chłędowska | Fizyka I pracownia | Oficyna Wydawnicza PRz. | 2010 |
Formal requirements:
classes for students in the first-year technical physics
Basic requirements in category knowledge:
Znajomość matematyki na poziomie szkoły średniej oraz podstawy rachunku różniczkowego i całkowego
Basic requirements in category skills:
Learn how to calculate derivatives and integrals of simple functions
Basic requirements in category social competences:
ability to work in a small team of 2-3
MEK | The student who completed the module | Types of classes / teaching methods leading to achieving a given outcome of teaching | Methods of verifying every mentioned outcome of teaching | Relationships with KEK | Relationships with OEK |
MEK01 | is able to define the selected quantities describing linear motion and nonlinear, gives the relationship between them and calculate them for simple movements | lectures, tutorials, laboratory | written exam, final test, verbal credit |
K-W001+ K-U005+ K-U009+ K-K006+ |
T1A-W01++ U01+ U03+ U05+ K01+ |
MEK02 | knows the laws of dynamics of linear motion, rotational motion, can solve Newton's equation in the case of permanent forces | lectures, tutorials, laboratory | written exam, final test, verbal credit |
K-W001+ K-U005+ K-U009+ K-U015+ K-U025+ K-U027+ K-K006+ |
T1A-W01+ InzA-U01+ U01+ U03+ U05+ U14+ U15+ U16+ K01+ |
MEK03 | able to define the work, momentum, angular momentum, energy, and know the law of conservation of these values, it can be used in simple cases | lectures, tutorials, laboratory | written exam, final test, verbal credit |
K-W001+ K-U005+ K-U009+ K-U015+ K-U025+ K-U027+ K-K006+ |
T1A-W01+ U01+ InzA-U01+ U03+ U05+ U14+ U15+ U16+ K01+ |
MEK04 | able to define the size of describing the harmonic motion, damped and forced oscillations, mechanical waves and calculate it for cases of simple movements, | lectures, tutorials, laboratory | written exam, final test, verbal credit |
K-W001+ K-U005+ K-U009+ K-U015+ K-U025+ K-K006+ |
T1A-W01+ InzA-U01+ U01+ U03+ U05+ U14+ K01+ |
MEK05 | know the definitions of the terms used in metrology and physics laboratory, is able to calculate the measurement uncertainty and the combined uncertainty | laboratory | observation of performance, a report on the exercise |
K-W017+ K-U009+ K-U015+ K-U027+ K-K006+ |
T1A-W01+ InzA-U01+ U01+ U03+ U05+ U14+ U15+ U16+ K01+ |
MEK06 | know how to plan and carry out a simple physical experiment | laboratory | performance monitoring, verbal credit |
K-W009+ K-U008+ K-U009+ K-U015+ K-K006+ |
T1A-W01+ W03+ U01+ InzA-U01+ U03+ U05+ K01+ |
MEK07 | knows how to analyze the results, calculate the uncertainties using the method appropriate to the method of measurement and combined uncertainty | laboratory | report on the exercise and its presentation |
K-U008+ K-U009+ K-U015+ K-U016+ K-K006+ |
InzA-U01+ U01+ U03+ U05+ K01+ |
Sem. | TK | The content | realized in | MEK |
1 | TK01 | W01, W02, C1 | MEK01 | |
1 | TK02 | W03, L02-L15,C2-C3 | MEK01 | |
1 | TK03 | W04, L02-L15,C4-C5 | MEK02 | |
1 | TK04 | W05, L02-L15, C6 | MEK02 | |
1 | TK05 | W06, W07, W08, L02-L15, C7-C8 | MEK03 | |
1 | TK06 | W09, W10, L02-L15, C9-C10 | MEK02 | |
1 | TK07 | W11, W12, W13, L02-L15, C11-C12 | MEK02 MEK04 | |
1 | TK08 | W13, W14, L02-L15, C13-C15 | MEK04 | |
2 | TK01 | L1 | MEK05 | |
2 | TK02 | L2-L15 | MEK03 MEK04 MEK06 MEK07 | |
2 | TK03 | L2-L15 | MEK04 MEK06 MEK07 | |
2 | TK04 | L2-L15 | MEK04 MEK06 MEK07 | |
2 | TK05 | L2-L15 | MEK02 MEK06 MEK07 | |
2 | TK06 | L2-L15 | MEK02 MEK03 MEK06 MEK07 | |
2 | TK07 | L2-L15 | MEK02 MEK06 MEK07 | |
2 | TK08 | L2-L15 | MEK04 MEK06 MEK07 | |
2 | TK09 | L2-L15 | MEK04 MEK06 MEK07 | |
2 | TK10 | L2-L15 | MEK04 MEK06 MEK07 | |
2 | TK11 | L2-L15 | MEK03 MEK06 MEK07 | |
2 | TK12 | L2-L15 | MEK02 MEK06 MEK07 | |
2 | TK13 | L2-L15 | MEK04 MEK06 MEK07 | |
2 | TK14 | L2-L15 | MEK04 MEK06 MEK07 | |
2 | TK15 | L2-L15 | MEK02 MEK04 MEK06 MEK07 |
The type of classes | The work before classes | The participation in classes | The work after classes |
Lecture (sem. 1) | contact hours:
45.00 hours/sem. |
complementing/reading through notes:
15.00 hours/sem. Studying the recommended bibliography: 22.50 hours/sem. |
Class (sem. 1) | The preparation for a Class:
15.00 hours/sem. The preparation for a test: 15.00 hours/sem. |
contact hours:
45.00 hours/sem. |
Finishing/Studying tasks:
22.50 hours/sem. |
Advice (sem. 1) | The participation in Advice:
2.00 hours/sem. |
Exam (sem. 1) | The preparation for an Exam:
10.00 hours/sem. |
The written exam:
2.00 hours/sem. |
Laboratory (sem. 2) | The preparation for a Laboratory:
14.00 hours/sem. |
contact hours:
30.00 hours/sem. |
Finishing/Making the report:
14.00 hours/sem. |
Advice (sem. 2) | The participation in Advice:
2.00 hours/sem. |
Credit (sem. 2) |
The type of classes | The way of giving the final grade |
Lecture | evaluation is issued on the basis of a written exam covering theoretical issues and tasks |
Class | evaluation is issued on the basis of student activities in the classroom and written credits |
The final grade | evaluation is equal to the average value obtained from the lecture notes and tutorials |
Laboratory | Activity of the student assessed on the laboratory, the theoretical knowledge, the ability to carry out the experiment and properly prepared reports |
The final grade | evaluation is equal to the average value obtained from the lecture notes and tutorials |
Required during the exam/when receiving the credit
Realized during classes/laboratories/projects
Can a student use any teaching aids during the exam/when receiving the credit : no